Archives from September 2014

Senior Pictures: Behind the Scenes with Alexis

If you’ve been a follower of the blog for the past year, you know we’ve had our share of weather-related challenges. Part of the appeal of catching on-location details and unique environments is that we’re subject to whatever weather happens to occur on the scheduled session date. And while it certainly can require some extra […]

Senior Pictures: Joey Behind-the-Scenes

One might think that doing the same types of sessions would make for repetitive posts. However, each client (and therefore each session) is more unique than you might think. Joey’s senior session was no exception. When I pulled up to his house, the first thing I noticed was this laundry line of his grandfather’s ties […]

Senior Photography Session: Tanner’s Behind the Scenes

It’s hard to believe that the morning of Tanner’s senior photography session, we were on the phone looking at the weather reports considering whether to even go through with the session that day. The forecast for the session time was 40% chance of rain. Lucky for us, the weather reports were wrong. Not only did […]